A mundane guide to taming your inner monsters, guaranteed* to improve focus, build intelligence, and silence the cackling scratching in your skull. Try your hand at the Arrowpeak Dungeon maze, crossword, word search, or the Astrological Connect-the-Dots! This 8-page DIY zine, made by publishing wiz Astra Blep, features riddles, games, and jokes - all sure to make living with your inner gremlins just a little bit easier.
Burnt Cook Book Party is a time-loop comedy actual play show, featuring an original campaign based on Pathfinder. Four heroes of varying skills, attractiveness, and stupidity, race to prevent a war - and to prevent a timeloop from resetting the whole game! Featuring the talents of game master Justin Green, host Jenna Stoeber as Astra Blep, Caitlin Stayduhar as Patty Hurts, Andrew Hansen as Janni Brightchild, and Paul Luetkemeyer as Zelf.
New episodes released biweekly. Listen at BCBParty.com!
*guarantee exists only within the Burnt Cook Book Party universe, not the real world. If your brain gremlins experience any soothing, that is entirely incidental.
This is a digital product, zine file will be sent to you after purchase so you can print it at home.
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